Hi y’all
so I missed last week. Hey thats how it goes. I WAS is Memphis the week before, after all, so I was sorta distracted : )
I didn’t wanna miss this week though and I thought I was going too but I sat down tonight to hash out and idea that hit me on the porch of the Robert Clay Shack Wednesday Morning last week.
I was having my morning coffee and anyone who knows me knows I’m a coffee snob. There is no excuse to serve or drink poor tasting coffee. Anyway, as I was soaking up the last few hours of Clarksdale I thought of the main idea for this tune. It’s a straight up Blues which is a nice tribute to the area I was in AND I haven’t written a straight up blues for quite some time. So, without any further adieu, This weeks song is called Black Coffee. It’s a straight up John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson, Morgan Davis rip off. Hope you dig…..